How it Works









Here’s why the MST system works so well in creating a better musical image on your car audio system. When you listen to music, your ears pick up a lot of information all at once. Your remarkable ear/brain mechanism sorts these sounds and creates a perception in your brain of where the musical sounds are coming from and what these sounds are.

The brain’s amazing imaging ability is the result of instantaneous analysis of many factors, including timing of reception, direction it came from, the frequency range and strength of the sounds.
MST feeds small audio cues to your ears in such a way that your perception of where the music is coming from, and how lifelike it sounds is much improved - along with the spatial ambiance of the musical event itself

WHat is really cool is that the addition of MST Six-Octave+ accent speakers and the Stage Manager controller are perfect for a wide variety of installations.

6 ways MST Improves a system >>